Zamnnn Zoodles

Things I wasn’t actually expecting to receive for Christmas: a zoodle maker

Things I miraculously received for Christmas: a zoodle maker

My dad understands the importance of practicality. He also knows I love to cook. So I was hella ecstatic when he gifted me a zoodle maker for Christmas. He even got my mom one which was pretty cute.

I have to say, it was weirdly intimidating to use this thing. There’s 3 different shredding styles and even though it’s super easy to use it’s just….. weird. Also, eating vegetable noodles… now that’s just borderline sinful (even for someone like me who loves vegetables).

What is this contraption

When you make zoodles you actually use an ENTIRE zucchini, which is pretty cool. It usually takes me forever to finish the zucchini I buy and I don’t always get to eat them before they go bad 😦 womp womp. I gotta say though, the zoodles really do come out like noodles- they’re even curly. I know some people just straight up eat zoodles but I couldn’t really get to that level. I sautéed the zoodles in a pan with some olive oil, pepper, salt, and garlic powder and then I cooked them on medium-low heat for a few minutes, stirring quite frequently.

When I was done with the zoodles I placed them in a bowl and then squeezed a fresh lemon wedge over them. Then I just heated up some tomato basil sauce.

Honestly, this was great. It tasted incredibly light, fresh, and delicious when seasoned properly. I kind of messed up and I just made this small batch of noodles and I was still hungry after I was done with this plate. Next time I’d toss in some fish or shrimp or veggie meatballs.

Also how dope is it that you can pretty much make a meal for a total of what, like, $3 if that??

Dusting the webs…

Hello! I’m slowly dusting off the cobwebs of this blog. Sometimes you just get bogged down with LIFE and ANXIETY and self hatred a little bit and tests and assignments and you need to take some time for yourself to cry.

Let’s hope I can keep my shit together this semester in terms of my blogging commitment abilities. I guess we’ll start off my return with a lil seafood dish. Shrimp!! Aka prawns. Tbt to when my pretentious ass studied abroad in Ireland and went to a prawn festival. I waited over an hour in line to get some prawns and goddam I felt like they were sent from heaven directly. My love affair for shrimp stems back to when I was a teeny tot and all I could reach at holiday parties were the shrimp rings on the coffee table (thanks, Nonnie) so I really try to eat them whenever I can.

First and foremost, I’d like to thank my mom for being a complete angel and loading me up with food every time I go back to school. She quite literally filled my mini fridge freshman year with Greek yogurt for snacking. This time, she made sure I had an abundance of frozen seafood to take back to school. So as I’m walking through the downpour of rain after my three hour class, I was dreaming of some warm pasta and the shrimp in my freezer.

I thought it would be pretty boring if I just ate regular pasta (I had just made zoodles the night before (that’s another post)) so I searched through one of my favorite foodie Instagram accounts. I saw an easy recipe for a vegan pesto, and DAMN was I happy I decided to make it. I’m telling you I could have eaten a whole bowl of the pesto it was THAT GOOD.

I have to admit this is my first time cooking uncooked shrimp, and I’m still learning the right temperature and time mixture.

Also, I should say stop reading now if you don’t have a food processor or blender. You’ll be really sad to see these pics and not be able to make anything. Seriously, save a few weekends worth of bar money and invest in a food processor.

So ANYWAY, here we go:

The Kale Pesto recipe can be found here. I actually tweaked the recipe a little bit. Instead of thinking about wasting a whole lemon (that’s 79 cents thank you very much) for one sauce #brokeaf I used half of a lemon. I also used two cups of kale #KALE and a handful of spinach. I think garlic and parsley could be avoided altogether if you wish (I didn’t have parsley) BUT I think garlic is a huge key to the dankness of this recipe.

Ingredients w/ Total Estimated Price:

  • Desired number of jumbo/tiger shrimp – $ varies by amount bought
  • Single serving of spaghetti – $2 a box
  • 2 cups of kale – $1.50 per bag
  • Handful of spinach – $1.50 per bag
  • 1/4 cup of almonds – $3-$4 per bag
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil –$2 per jar
  • 1 clove of garlic (I used a jar of minced garlic and I feel it gave it the real flavor it needed) – $2 per jar
  • Half a lemon
  • Dash of salt


  • Fill small sauce pan with water, heat till boiling
  • Place pasta in sauce pan and cook for 1o minutes
  • Heat medium sized pan to medium heat, cover pan with olive oil
  • When the pasta has been cooking for 5 minutes, place shrimp in the medium sized pan
  • Cook shrimp for about 2-3 minutes on each side until pink
  • Pasta and shrimp should be finished around the same time
  • While the pasta and shrimp are cooling off, make the pesto
  • Once cooled, peel the shrimp
  • Plate!

If I could make any recommendations, it would be to watch your shrimp. Don’t overcook, but don’t undercook either. Shrimp should be pink with red tails when ready.

Total Estimated Cost: $5-$7

Total Cook Time: 15 minutes


Snorting Pumpkin Spice

Hello my fellow fallen and forgotten leaves! I hope you’re all loving the in-your-face era of fall! Pumpkins seem to be everywhere, both in food, drink, and gourd form. Leaves are changing colors, people are breaking out their vests, and last but definitely not least- it’s getting FUCKING cold! Don’t you love living in NY?


I’ve been lacking a lot of inspiration lately in terms of cooking. It’s probably due to the fact that I’ve been too lazy to run the the grocery store. I genuinely ate leftover mac and cheese one day for breakfast because I didn’t have anything else to eat. Alas, I eventually took my broke ass to Tops and did some shopping.

Shoutout to the cashier girl who saved me $20 cuz I don’t have a bonus card!! Love u, girl.

Recently, my friend Carolyn told me about this overnight oats recipe she tried, and it sounded heavenly. I’ve been hesitant to attempt making overnight oats because I was afraid it would turn out bland and I would end up throwing away perfectly good ingredients. I also have a weird texture-thing about food, and I was a little skeptical that if I used any fruit, it would get too soggy for my standards.

I decided to try one of the overnight oats recipes (sans fruit) and I decided to go with… dare I say it? The Pumpkin Spice recipe (cue groans and boos).

Now listen, I’m not a pumpkin spice person. I think the last time I even ordered a PSL was 3 or more years ago, and I hated it. I did however, buy a box of pumpkin spice cheerios last month… I advise against it, they weren’t that good. I don’t like when things reek of spice. As much as I detest spice, I love pumpkin. I can devour a whole pumpkin pie by myself, I swear. Not only do I have a deep love for pumpkin, but I’ve been living a pretty plant-based diet when I can. I simply prefer eating that way because it makes my body feel better.

So buckle up kiddies, I’m about to show you how I made pumpkin spice overnight oats- and I didn’t end up hating it.

Original recipe can be found here.

The recipe I will be using is completely vegan.

Ingredients w/ Total Estimated Price:

  • 1/3 cup vanilla coconut-based yogurt – $2 per container
  • 1/2 cup steel cut oats – $4 per container
  • 2/3 cups unsweetened almond milk, vanilla flavored – $3 per half gallon
  • 1 tbsp chia/flax seed mix – $5.50 for 12oz
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup – $3 per bottle
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree – $2 per can
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon – $1.30 per packet
  • 1/8 tsp ground cloves – $1.30 per packet
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg – $1.30 per packet
  • Either a medium/large sized air-tight storage bowl, or medium sized mason jar/canning jar


  • Mix everything together in a mixing bowl or in the storage bowl you’ll be using
  • Pour mixture into the storage container
  • Store in the fridge overnight!

Total Estimated Cost: $4

Total Prep Time: 3 minutes

It’s really that simple. Listen, this recipe isn’t too spiced when combined with all the other ingredients, and you can also alter the recipe as well. The spices actually added some flavor elements to the oats that weren’t overwhelming, and I would definitely make this recipe again.

On the note of spices, SPICES ARE EXPENSIVE, Y’ALL!!! I seriously had NO idea how much a tiny ass baby container of McCormick cloves was until I went to Tops. One of the spices called for this recipe was even $7 in a baby container. Luckily, the Tops near me carries a local brand of spices for $1.29 each. Don’t be fooled by the brand- always look for other resources!!

Until next time, catch me basking in the last rays of sunshine I’ll get till June.


Trader Hoes

Surprisingly, my first trip to Trader Joe’s was this past week. We have one back home in Rochester, but it’s in Pittsford Plaza, so obviously, I don’t go. For those of you who are from Rochester, you know exactly why Pittsford Plaza is the epitome of the devil’s work. If you’re not from Rochester, just know that Pittsford Plaza is where peace and solidarity go to die. You will run into someone you hate from the 9th grade who will proceed to make awkward small talk with you, and then you’ll repeat this process about five more times.


My roommate, Grace, and I have a ~thing~ for vegetables and fresh produce. Grace decided to travel to Trader Joe’s for some good produce for a decent price and I tagged along. While I was there, I picked up some fresh veggies, herbs, and other random things- including a creamy coconut chicken thai thing.

Per usual, I’m frantically trying to use my fresh produce before it goes bad. I’ve had hearty food on the brain lately- mainly food that reminds me of Thanksgiving. That’s probably because pumpkin flavored things are constantly being shoved in my face. Last night I decided to make one of my favorite dishes that I previously experimented with this summer- brussel sprouts.

For all of you who are afraid of brussel sprouts- shut up. In fact, one of my most picky roommates, Andrew, said my brussel sprouts smelled “really good”. Brussel sprouts are so good for your disgusting college body. Packed with vitmain c, iron, potassium, and protein, the only way you can hate brussel sprouts is when they’re overcooked. When brussel sprouts are overcooked, they tend to smell- a smell that resembles sulfer. Ew. So watch your brussel sprouts when you cook them!

This recipe is GREAT for meal prepping. You’ll be left with about 3 servings worth.

You can find the original recipe for the brussel sprouts here.

Ingredients w/ Estimated Prices (for whole items):

  • Betty Crocker Suddenly Grain Salad – Harvest Grain – $4
    • Substitutable with: rice and/or quinoa
  • 1 pound of brussel sprouts – $2.49
  • 2-3 tbsp Maple syrup – $3.29
  • 2-3 tbsp Balsamic dressing – $2
  • 1/2 cup Dried cranberries – $2.49
    • I used a salad toppers mix from Aldi’s. It has dried cranberries and mixed nuts.
  • 1/3 cup Almonds – $3-$4
  • Pre-cooked sweet potatoes cuz ur a lazy POS (or uncooked if you have the time)- $3
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive Oil – $2


  • Start with the grains you’ll be using- they take the longest to cook
  • Fill medium/large pot with hot water, place on stove, turn burner to hot, bring to a boil
  • Place medium/large pan on stove, turn burner just a little bit past medium heat, let sit and get hot
  • Place grains in the pot. Calculate cook time in accordance to the grains you’ll be using. The Betty Crocker grains take 17 minutes total, with me turning the bag of grains halfway through.
  • While waiting- rinse brussel sprouts, then cut into halves. Mix together almonds and dried cranberries/cranberry mix into large bowl. If using Betty Crocker grains, stir together grain seasoning.
  • Once the grains have been boiling for 8 or so minutes, lightly cover the heated pan in olive oil and place brussel sprouts in pan
  • Season brussel sprouts with salt, pepper, and whatever else you desire- stir occasionally, let cook in the pan for 9 or so minutes until they achieve a dark green/golden brown color
  • After about 9 or so minutes, pour about 2 or 3 tablespoons of maple syrup onto brussel sprouts. Repeat the process for balsamic dressing. Stir sprouts and dressings in pan to evenly coat.
  • Remove both grains and brussel sprouts from heat
  • Pour brussel sprouts into the large bowl with almonds and dried cranberries. Mix together.
  • Mix together grains and seasoning, if provided.
  • Lastly, place pre-cooked sweet potatoes in the microwave. Microwave for 2-3 minutes. Toss in bowl with brussel sprout mixture when ready.
  • Plate grains and brussel sprout mixture!

Now put those leftovers in the fridge and eat ’em for the next day or two.

Total Estimated Cost: $5-$6

Total Cook Time: 17-20 minutes

Green Eggs (Sauce) & Ham (Chicken)

It was alumni weekend here at Syracuse University these past 2 days, and I haven’t drank as much alcohol as I did this weekend in a very very long time.

My mom came to visit and stay with me this weekend. Not my biological mom, but pretty close. One of my closest and best friends (as well as my big #srat), RM, came to visit. RM is one of my favorite human beings on this earth because she just emulates everything that I appreciate in this world, including sharing my love for fresh fruits and veggies.


^This is the lovely Rachel (RM)

This weekend we talked a lot about food, and we spent a solid 2 hours at Tops buying food because I didn’t have much to eat, and also RM is gluten-free! My dearest RM cannot have gluten or else she will get pretty sick and she doesn’t need that. I truly forget how many things are considered “gluten” so I tend to repeatedly ask her if she wants a donut or a sandwich to which she always replies, “I can’t”. Sorry, RM, I’ll figure it out someday.

During the 2 hours RM and I spent at Tops, we realized we needed to cook dinner at some point and save some $$$. We decided to look at some of our saved links on social media to find a great recipe. I follow a lot of food Instagram accounts, because everything looks so good, and I remembered an easy avocado-herb sauce that I’d been wanting to make. We decided to make the sauce and pair it with some baked chicken.

After a finding motivation to rally after a tailgate and having a tiny battle with a tiny blender, we succeeded in making a pretty dang delicious dinner. If you like herbs, spice, chicken, and gluten-free food, this recipe goes out to you.

Baked Chicken Instructions

5 Minute Magic Green Sauce Instructions

Ingredients w/ Estimated Prices (Serves 2 People): 

  • Chicken breast (as much as needed) – $ varies by store and weight (I paid $4)
  • Olive Oil – $2
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 avocado – $1.50
  • 1 jalapeño – 20¢
  • Parsley – $2
  • Cilantro – $1.50
  • 2 Garlic bulbs – 40¢-50¢
  • 1 lime (we forgot the lime lol whoops, it was fine!!) – 70¢
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup of nuts (recipe calls for pistachios, preferably, but we used almonds) – $3-$4
  • Optional: garlic powder (for the chicken) – $1
  • Optional: spinach and kale – $4

Total Estimated Cost: $15.35-$20.35

Total Cook Time: 22-25 minutes


I feel like I’m always running out of food to eat even thought I just went grocery shopping… How?

I finally ran out of spinach and kale a few days ago without either of them spoiling (yay!) which is the first time that’s happened in a while. I always hate throwing out food, especially when it’s food I bought with MY money. Have I mentioned that I’m broke?

That being said, I couldn’t figure out what I could have for lunch the other day because most of the food I had laying around was pretty much rice. I’m not going to sit there and eat a bowl of rice, like a peasant, unless it’s sticky sushi rice.

I asked my roommate, Meg, (hey, here’s ur shoutout) and her gf, Anna, what I should make. All I could find was a box of Annie’s mac n cheese and a veggie burger. Meg told me I should make the mac & cheese and mix in bits of the cooked veggie burger. While I said “wait, Meg, I’m gonna do that”, I ended up not doing that because I realized I had expired eggs in the fridge :–) sorry, Meg. Next time.

I like to call this recipe “????” because it’s a mixture of things that I could find around my house and also utilizes eggs that are 2 days past expiration. By the way, eggs are usually good for a few days after expiration, but you’ll want to shake them just to test them.



  • Sriracha
  • Salsa


  1. Heat up veggie burger whichever method is convenient. My veggie burger takes 12 minutes to cook in a toaster oven
  2. While the veggie burger is cooking, heat stovetop to low heat
  3. Lightly cover small/medium pan in olive oil
  4. Crack 2 eggs in the small/medium pan
  5. Wait about 4 minutes until eggs are cooked to perfection (I prefer mine sunny-side up)
  6. Heat 2 slices of toast in toaster
  7. Optional: Use desired amount of sriracha or salsa
  8. Eat sandwich

Total Estimated Cost: $2.37

Total Cook Time: Approximately 14 minutes

I Forgot

I put some frozen fish in the fridge the other day to thaw. I forgot about it.

It’s only been sitting there for probably 2 days, but when it comes to thawing, I always forget when I’ve put a frozen item in the fridge… until I move a box that was blocking it and I remember.


Tonight, I cooked said long lost fish. I should also mention that I was STARVING by the time my last class ended at 6pm so when I came home, I devoured a lot of chips and salsa. So for dinner tonight, I wanted to keep it light. I made this dinner almost every night when I was abroad in Ireland- it’s so easy. Not to mention that salmon, specifically, is packed with omega-3 fatty acids (aka good for your blood vessels and heart).


  • 1 individual cut of Salmon
  • Handful of spinach and/or kale
  • Zucchini (chopped)
  • Mushrooms (2 or 3 chopped)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive Oil


  • Lemon or lemon juice
  • Oregano


  1. Heat small/medium pan to medium heat on stove
  2. Lightly coat small/medium pan with olive oil
  3. Sprinkle salt and pepper onto meat side of salmon
  4. Optional: sprinkle oregano onto meat side of salmon
  5. Place salmon in pan (either skin or meat side down); cook for 7 minutes
  6. Place spinach and/or kale, mushrooms, and zucchini into pan with salmon
  7. Once salmon has cooked on one side for 7 minutes, flip onto other side to cook for 5 more minutes
  8. Keep an eye on the salmon; you may need to flip one or more times to get an all around even light pink color
  9. Once the salmon is cooked to a light pink color all the way through, the spinach/kale has wilted, and the vegetables have browned, the dish is cooked and ready to eat
  10. Optional: squeeze part of a fresh lemon, or some lemon juice, onto the salmon for a kick of fresh flavor

Not pictured: me getting pissed at the saran wrap cutter and slicing my middle finger

Pro tip: don’t be like me and take your anger out on the saran wrap

Total Estimated Cost: $3.70-$4

Total Cook Time: 12 minutes


I’ve found that living with 2+ other human beings can become quite difficult when it comes to keeping track of “what did I even buy at the grocery store?”. Food gets shoved to the back of the refrigerator and two weeks later, a strange and unpleasant smell is alerting you that something is definitely not okay.

Rather than finding the nightmare of incredibly moldy food, it’s better to avoid the situation altogether and plan out meals. This is a simple method- using specified portions of your groceries every day until they run out.

Last night I noticed I had these pre-chopped mushrooms sitting in my fridge, untouched, for the past week. I took a peek at them and by the grace of God, they were still fresh. I decided to throw them together with other leftover food I had that were inching closer and closer to their own expiration dates. I’ll continue to use the food that’s close to expiration a little bit every night until it’s gone.

This side is something I make quite often due to the easiness and short amount of time it takes to cook it. The ingredients you’ll need are:

  • Some mushrooms (the number is up to you, I usually slice up around 2 or 3)
  • A couple handfuls of spinach and/or kale
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Optional Ingredients:

  • Garlic powder
  • Oregano
  • Shrimp
  • Sliced zucchini


  1. Turn stove on to low/medium heat
  2. Lightly coat a small/medium cooking pan with olive oil
  3. Toss in handfuls of spinach and/or kale
  4. Toss in chopped mushrooms
  5. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper
  6. Optional: toss in sliced zucchini
  7. Optional: sprinkle garlic powder or oregano in the pan with ingredients
  8. Optional: after thawing the shrimp (usually takes around 5 minutes under running water), toss in the pan with ingredients
  9. Stir occassionally
  10. Once the spinach and/or kale have wilted and the mushrooms have browned, the dish is cooked and ready to be served


It’s honestly such an easy and straightforward dish. We tend to overthink how to cook, and we tend to go towards instant meals such as pasta, mac n cheese, or frozen Lean Cuisine. But this meal took a total of 7 minutes (for the side alone) and 12 minutes total for the entire dish. It’s so relaxing to come home from class or work and set aside a certain amount of time for yourself: cooking, eating, watching tv, whatever.

Total Estimated Price (of side alone): $2

Total Estimated Price (of total dish): $5.62

Total Cook Time: 5-7 minutes

For this meal last night I also used:

This was my first time trying anything from the Dr. Praeger’s brand, and I have to say it was probably the best veggie burger I’ve ever had. Unfortunately, the sodium count is 210mg per burger, but all of the ingredients are ones I can actually understand.


Veggie Pasta

“My favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs” – me since I was in the womb.

I make sure I always have pasta around the house- it’s such an essential and easy meal. If I come home pissed from school, pasta is there to make my day better.

I spent my Spring 2016 semester studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. There were so many cheap and wildly fresh ingredients at my fingertips, I always had pasta and vegetables on hand. Pasta has the potential to be pretty bland and basic, but when I was abroad, I taught myself that there are so many ways to spice up pasta dishes. The following dish is one of my favorites, since it combines all of my favorite fucking foods: pasta, vegetables, and hot tomato oil.


  • Pasta
  • Handful of spinach
  • Zucchini and/or eggplant (a handful, chopped)
  • Pastabilities Hot Tomato Oil or Pasta Sauce
  • Mushrooms (2 or 3 chopped) 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Olive Oil

Optional Ingredients:

  • Garlic Powder



  1. Heat pot of water until boiling; place pasta in pot; pasta will take 10 minutes to cook on average, stir occassionally
  2. Lightly coat small/medium pan with olive oil
  3. Heat small/medium pan at low/medium temp on the stove
  4. When there’s 7 minutes left for the pasta to cook, place handful of spinach, handful of zucchini and/or eggplant, and chopped mushrooms in pan
  5. Lightly sprinkle ingredients with salt and pepper
  6. Optional: sprinkle ingredients with garlic powder
  7. Stir vegetables occassionally
  8. Once the spinach has wilted, the mushrooms have browned, and the zucchini/eggplant have darkened, the dish is cooked and ready to be served
  9. Heat hot tomato oil/pasta sauce in the microwave for 1 minute (or on the stove if so desired)
  10. Eat it all


^^Check that shit out.

Don’t be afraid of pasta. Yes, it’s a carb, but the body needs carbs to function. You can feel good about your pasta habits with this dish and tell your mom that yes, you are eating vegetables, at the same time.

Total Estimated Price: $4.18 cents

Total Cook Time: 12 minutes

Breakfast Sandwich

Sunday mornings are glorious. They’re made for laziness. Sundays are truly the one day of the week where not moving from your bed is socially acceptable and your roommates won’t yell at you. But perhaps after hopping from Harry’s to Chuck’s to Lucy’s and then BACK to Chuck’s the Saturday night before, you decide you need to actually get up out of your bed and eat some food to recover. Or even if you fell asleep in your bed the night before at 10:30pm watching The Office but now it’s 9am and you need to cleanse your body from the stupid amount of ice cream you ate while you were falling asleep.

Yeah, I know you’ve been there.

We often neglect breakfast, even though it’s the most important meal of the day. We’re busy humans, we’ve got places to go and things to do. Who has time for breakfast? The answer is everyone.  Yes, including you. You truly only need less than 10 minutes for breakfast, and those minutes help provide your energy for your entire day! Crazy!

Unfortunately, breakfast kind of sucks. Do I have cereal? I’ve had cereal the past 4 days in a row and I’m really trying to save my milk for when I actually want cereal so I don’t have to go to the grocery store until I ABSOLUTELY have to. Do I want toast? Do I even have any butter or jelly for said toast? I don’t think so. I really wish I had some mini muffins right now. But what do I have? I have bread. What am I supposed to do with this loaf of bread?

Don’t panic- I’m here to help for you breakfast dreams. For this bangin’ sandwich, you’ll need the following ingredients:


  • 2 Slices of bread (any kind, I prefer Monk’s Sunflower bread)
  • 2 Eggs
  • Spinach and/or Kale
  • Olive Oil or Cooking Spray

Optional ingredients:

  • Salsa
  • 1 Avocado
  • Sriracha


  1. Toast your bread to your desired toastiness.
  2. Turn the stove on the low heat. Lightly coat a small-medium sized cooking pan in olive oil/cooking spray.
  3. Crack 2 eggs in the pan and let sit for a few minutes until eggs are cooked to perfection (I prefer my eggs sunny-side up)
  4. Optional: cut open the avocado (you may use the entire avocado or only 1 half), and slice with a knife and/or fork until it’s a guacamole consistency. Spread the avocado spread on each slice of toast.
  5. Place some spinach and/or kale leaves and place on each slice of toast.
  6. Optional: spread some salsa on top of the spinach & kale leaves.
  7. Once the eggs are cooked, place each egg on one slice of toast.
  8. Optional: Put some sriracha on top (DO IT!!)

Finally. You’re done. There’s a sandwich in your hands, or maybe not, depending on how many ingredients you ate while making it.

Not only is this sandwich cheap, but it’s packed with protein and good fats for you body as you go on a run… or run back to your bed.

Total Estimated Cost: $4

Total Cook Time: 5-7 minutes